6 Reasons Why Kids Should Learn to Code

My 2 year old can navigate around a tablet or a phone with ease . When I was growing up, it wasn’t until secondary school that I was really introduced to the world of computing. You would have to go to a library or school to have access to any sort of internet.
Today computer programming is integrated into most aspects of our lives, at work, school, home and out and about. Long gone are the days that programmers where seen as nerds (I fell into that stereotype at one time). Now coding is encouraged with even t.v ads and seen as cool. Learning to code has so many benefits, here is 6 reasons why kids should learn to code.
6 Reasons why kids should learn to code
1. Coding develops problem solving skills

Learning to code helps develops computational thinking. Coding is all about taking a problem and breaking it down to smaller achievable steps. By learning this, problems in life can seem less daunting and easier to solve by applying this same approach.
2. Coding Teaches that Making Mistakes is ok

With coding comes bugs and unexpected outcomes, but it’s normal and OK. Sometimes finding and sorting out bugs can be quite interesting in itself. Testing and and refining is all part of the process and you never expect to get it right first time. It helps show them that it isn’t about getting it right the first time and mistakes are a part of learning. Finding the bugs and fixing them is something to be proud of.
3. Coding brings Maths, English and Science to life

Coding brings to life arithmetic, algebra, geometry and physics to name a few. Supporting what they are learning in school and aides embedding what they are taught . Giving a good understanding of cause and effect as well as the importance of using the correct structure in writing.
4. Coding builds confidence

Being able to bring an idea to life, gives a great sense of achievement. Be it creating an app, webpage or just being able to put the right steps in a coding game such as Lego Bits and Bricks. When they get it done it gives them a huge confidence boost.
5. It is easier to learn when your young

Computer programming is just another language, just like French, Spanish and Italian. It is the simple truth that children find learning languages easier than us.
6. It really is fun.

When I was first learning to code, it was all about displaying Hello World on a screen. Fast forward 20 something years, there are apps such as SketchJr that introduce kids to coding in a fun interactive way. Then there are games such a Minecraft and Roblox where those skills can be put to use. They could also create their own apps. There is so many options to help them practise what they are learning.
Programming is now a part of schools curriculum. However it doesn’t need to be limited to learning sat in front of screens. At the recent Blogging conference BlogOn there was fun, interactive toys that introduce kids to coding.

It also helps spark their creativity, planning and helps with focus and concentration. Learning how their favourite apps work.

The upcoming generation have so many opportunities available to them. I wish coding was an option when I was growing up! I can’t wait to learn how to do it.